Innovation in plastic packaging
Sintek, a company specializing in the production of plastic containers in PEHD, PELD and PP for the cosmetic industry and for various other marketing needs, has applied harmony, ergonomics and practicality to everyday plastic packaging since its birth in 1995, combining design and technology, energy and imagination to create unique custom shapes.

Italian imagination for the creation of high-quality unique plastic containers!
Shapes that hold imagination Made in Italy, years of experience, exclusive projects, and original creations have produced seductive forms that are also rendered in numerous standard items: bottles and jars of white or neutral colours for every use are always available for delivery.
The extremely high technical level of our blowing plant, with multi-cavity moulds, allows our unit a high capacity for production and an excellent qualitative standard.
Every container will be your image, all of our items, from jars to flasks, from pots to bottles, and all of our accessories – caps, lids, sprayers, dispensers, tops and bottoms – can be personally customized via screen printing, pad printing, and labelling.
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A competent and efficient staff at your service!
Dynamic people, working with enthusiasm and giving their best to never disappoint your expectations…
They are a source of competitive advantage for the company, which believes in them and continuously invests in them, paying attention to the relational, cognitive, managerial and emotional areas, in order to build a wealth of skills useful for obtaining a level of quality & performance in line with your expectations in … perfect happiness!
A design signed by Sintek every container is a unique and individual creation!
Thanks to our creativity we are able to endow a normal plastic container with harmony, combining design and technology in every object we produce.
All born from an idea, a creative intuition – an ideal concept that slowly takes shape and transforms itself into a reality, acquiring a truly spectacular three-dimensionality.
The inspiration becomes a virtual image and then a tangible prototype.
From the metallic mould comes to light an exclusive and original container that renders unique and precious every product which it will contain.
Years of experience, completed projects and perfected creations have produced a wide range of seductive forms which have contributed to an increase and perfection in the commercial activity of hundreds of Sintek’s valued clients.

Production of Plastic Bottles and Containers
Imaginative creation of unique and innovative products!
From the beginning our company has made the choice to invest in fully automated, high-tech production facilities capable of handling those production parameters necessary to achieve virtually perfect containers.
All flasks and jars are controlled by micro-holes and in mono or multilayer products using various types of plastic material, PE, PP, PET and SOFT TOUCH.
The thickness of the bottle or jar is optimized by means of a control system able to manage the stretching of the plastic – depending on the shape – up to 200 points horizontally.
Our range of items from jars to bottles, from caps to dispensers, can be customized by screen printing, pad printing and labelling.